October 23, 2008

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A New Beginning

image from Indian Space Research Organization

Congratulations to India for a successful launch of the Chandrayaan-1 lunar orbiter! In addition to gaining deserved prestige from joining the technologically advanced nations that have developed the capability to send a rocket to the Moon (Soviet Union, USA, Europe, China and Japan), India has built a sophisticated spacecraft that will gain information to significantly advance understanding of the Moon. And we can hope that Chandrayaan-2, in collaboration with Russia and other nations, to place a lander and rover on the Moon, and are hoping to send an Indian astronaut (what will the Hindi word be?) there sometime around 2015. The next decade will truly be the Second Golden Age of Lunar Exploration, and will differ from the First by the greater number of participants, and, so far, with a lack of overt political rivalry.

Chuck Wood
(Sorry for no LPOD yesterday - I was on a plane most of the day, arriving home after midnight, so missed a day.)

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A bizarre story reminiscent of Tommy Gold's dust traps on the Moon.

Yesterday's LPOD: Fractured, Tilted And Flooded

Tomorrow's LPOD: Inside Shackleton


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